Tuesday, May 30, 2017

June 2017

      This is the painting that I am currently working on. I have been thinking about Expressionism lately, and Ernst Kirchner in particular, with this piece.  One of the things that draws me in to Expressionism is the use of color. I have always been sensitive to color, and can often perceive colors that others cannot. One need only look back to the recent blue dress controversy to see how important color and perception are to people. I also enjoy images that pop with color and seem to use the element of color to help convey thoughts. We'll see how these ideas continue to shape my work as I go forward.  

      It's also interesting to me that I am drawn to Expressionism now, almost 100 years after it was taking off as an art form. But, the ideas that drove this artistic movement in the early 20th century could arguably be said to be reemerging now. Emotions are high across all spectrums of society, and there is a general feeling of angst as well. I can't help but wonder if it is these feelings that are helping to drive me as well.